Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Newsletter revival and potential publication on newspaper

Dear all members of SVA,

I would like to announce that an Editorial Board was elected and we are driven to try to encourage the SVA members at large to try to share and publish articles that are relevant to all of us. There are a few points that I would like to share with you.

Firstly, the SVA Newsletter is going to be revived but will now be published “digitally” in the SVA Blog at All of you are encouraged to submit your manuscripts to the Editorial Board at, in fact, all communication should be done through this email. We will try to publish your articles as much as we can, but like it or not, you will need to check a few things before sending us your manuscripts, things such as the proper English grammar, and the content if it is appropriate and in line with our vet professional ethics.   

Secondly is that we will cherry pick articles from the newsletter to see if they are suitable for publication in the newspaper. Believe me that many of these articles will be interesting enough for general public. Things like animals, pet, meat are always relevant to humans who can’t really shake off their relationship with animals! We have made initiate contact with a local English newspaper that is quite positive to host our column, but we will really need many articles to supply to the column. We have also received a positive feedback from a Chinese newspaper for potential ad-hoc publication. In the end, I hope that many of your good newsletter articles will probably find their way into local newspaper.

Lastly, I must say that we can’t comment on whether CPD point can be rewarded for the publications because this is the solely the jurisdiction of MVC. But publishing article as a way of sharing information to fellow colleague is human nature, and we do hope that many of you will take this opportunity to publish and share something interesting, or something relevant to the local context.

So please tell someone about this opportunity to publish. They don’t have to be SVA members, although the priority should be given to SVA members. At the end, we will need as much quality publications as we can which is certainly beneficial in upholding the image of SVA and all the veterinarians in general.

Yours sincere,

Tan Lee Tung

Editor, SVA

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