Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Continuing my earlier post on N1N1 as my writing shortcircuited......!
I believe we should not use mass vaccination of our pigs as one of the first line of defence. I don't see Kiwi farmers rushing to vaccinate their pigs, and their stake are higher than ours in terms of export value , food safety, security, etc.
We need to increase our biosecurity not only at the borders but also at each farm level. There never is as good a time as NOW to adopt the good husbandry practices and other measures under SALT. SIV is easily destroyed by most farms disinfectants. Regular fogging and spraying of pens, sheds,equipments and vehicles would bring immense benefits to farm health and productivity as experienced in our farms during the Nipah scare.
Dr Thomas Wong

1 comment:

  1. During the previous meeting, the Department may adopt vaccination in pig

